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Content Table

Volume 2, Issue 1

Pages  1-84 (July 1, 2024)

ISSN: 2584-2153 (Online)

Title:  OLCIAS Journal


A Child’S Cranio-Brain Injury Due To A Nail At Donka National Hospital

Bah D., Camara A.M, Diawara S., Onikoyamou F.N, Mansare L, Diallo B 1, Komara C.A, Diallo Ar., Bah Ab, Beavogui L.Ka

Department of Neurosurgery, Donka National Hospital , Conakry, Guinea

P: 1-10


Delayed Extradural Hematoma Occurring After Evacuation Of Acute
Contralateral Extradural Hematoma: Case Report and Literature Review

Komara CA, Mansaré L, Bah D, Diallo B, Diallo AR, Beavogui LK

Department of Neurosurgery, Donka National Hospital , Conakry, Guinea

P: 11-16


Surgery's Role In Spontaneous Intracerebral Hematoma Management

Badache K., Habchi N., Saardeddine Ch. And Benamara F.Z.

Neurosurgery Department, Mustapha BACHA University Hospital, Algiers, Algeria

P: 17-27


Dysphagia Treatment in Pontine Stroke

Behiswari Sakthi Raja*, Nik Nor Haramaini Binti Abdul Ghani, Nurul Farhana Binti Zaila, Mazatulfazura SF Binti Salim, Dr Ahmad Zaidi Bin Zainal Abidin, Fadhilah Hani Ishak

1 : Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, University Putra Malaysia Teaching Hospital

2 : Department of Otolaryngology, University Putra Malaysia Teaching Hospital

3 : Department of Neurology, University Putra Malaysia Teaching Hospital

*Corresponding Author : Behiswari Sakthi Raja, Department of Rehabilitation Medicine,

University Putra Malaysia Teaching Hospital

P: 28-35


Navigating the Journey of Parkinson's Disease: Effective Management Strategies

Aparna Gopi

Senior staff nurse

Tawam hospital,Abu Dhabi - United Arab Emirates

P: 36-37


Intraoperative Ultrasound Guidance in the Surgical Management of Choroid
Plexus Papillomas: A Case Report and Review of Literature

Atroune L., Hachid A., Hamia F., Djouadi Y., Sellami A.

Neurosurgery Department, Mustapha Pacha University Hospital Center - Algiers, Algeria

P: 38-47


Interventions for Memory Impairment: A Comprehensive Review

Sampoornam. W, Ms. Oviya. R , Aswini Surendran, Nandhini. A

*Principal, Nursing Tutor, Bhavani College of Nursing, Erode

**First Year BSC Nursing, Bhavani College of Nursing, Erode

P: 48-55


A Review of Recent Findings In Relation to Aggression and Its Influencing

Pegah Amouzadeh

Faculty of Psychology, Islamic Azad University, South Branch, Tehran, Iran

P: 56-74


A Study of the Corona Virus's Negative Psychological Effects on Individuals

Mersellab Kheira

Higher School in Sports Sciences and Technology

Director of Social Sciences Laboratory Applied to Sports

Olympic City, Dely Ibrahim, Algiers, Algeria

P: 75-78

Volume 2 Issue 1 Anchor

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